Amerikanisch |
Monika Albrecht
(Münster): |
an Magical World View in Ingeborg Bachmann's Fragment of a Novel |
Das Buch Franza. |
Glossen: Heft7 - Aufsätze
(Dickinson College). In Collaboration with the author |
translated by Lilian Friedberg and William
Tucker. |
Friedberg: |
"Verbrechen, die ich
meine". Manners of Death: A Thickly Descriptive Translation of |
"Todesarten". [1] |
In: Monatshefte 94.2 (2002):
189-208. |
Friedberg: |
"A Time yet to come..."
Translation and Historical Representation in Ingeborg |
Bachmann's Poem "Night
Flight/Nachtflug" (1999). A comparative critical analysis. [1] |
This paper has since been
published in: The German Quarterly 74.2 (Spring) 2001: 148-63. |
Lilian Friedberg: |
Three Radio Plays of Ingeborg
Bachmann. [1] |
Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press,
1999. |
Friedberg: |
"Night Flight"
and "In Twilight" two poems by Ingeborg Bachmann. [1] |
The Denver Quarterly, 32 (1997):
7-9. |
Friedberg: |
When We have the Word [1] |
A Contribution to the Ingeborg
Bachmann Anniversary Symposium "If We had the |
Word" (1996). |
Lilian Friedberg: |
Undine's Valediction
[pdf] - Translation of "Undine geht" (Excerpt/Auszug). [2] |
Trivia: A Journal of Ideas,
22. 1995: 103-11. |
Lilian Friedberg: |
Ingeborg Bachmann: A Step in the Right Direction. A Review of Karen
Achberger's Ingeborg Bachmann Monograph. |
Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina Press,
1995. |
Lilian Friedberg: |
The Manhattan Project [1] |
The Endeavor to Translate the Works of
Ingeborg Bachmann. |
Italienisch |
Elisa Cutulle
(Helios Magazine, 1999): |
donna al confine: Ingeborg Bachmann. |
Ruffilli: |
Bachmann (1926-1973) |
Ruffilli: |
testi inediti in italiano. [Si deve pretendere la verità] [La
poesia al lettore] |
Traduzione di Bruon Ruffilli. |
Saggi e scritture - Maria
Grazia Tundo, 1999: |
Estraneità e parola:
Simultan di Ingeborg
Bachmann. |
Antenati: |
Ingeborg Bachmann. |
Notizie biografiche; Opera; Valutazioni;
Bachmann e Bernhard; Bibliografia |
Scarpellini (homolaicus): |
Malina di Ingeborg Bachmann. |